Saturday, February 11, 2012

Great Photo Workshop!

Well, the Workshop in Hollywood, Fl with Bryan Peterson was a great time and I met some wonderful photographers from around the World! Great weather, great models and an exciting and informative time made the weekend fly by.
I'm still processing the images form the Workshop, and hope to be able to do more model shoots in the near future. Now to be able to carve out enough time to spend shooting and making something of the skills I've learned over the last couple of years! Looking forward to new opportunities in the near future! Until next time,"Make You Memories Last Forever!" ChasVS

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another year gone!

Mu goodness how time flies! It's been so hectic over the last year that I haven't had any time to devote to keeping this blog updated. But one of my New Year resolutions is to get going and keep this up to date! So here goes for a quick recap of 2011 and plans for 2012!
Had the wonderful opportunity to shoot my very first wedding in July of 2011. If that wasn't enough of a pressure cooker, it was for one of my Nieces in my home town of De Pere, Wisconsin! To be honest I was amazed at how it all ended up. Everyone was pleased with the results, and I came away with a real sense of accomplishment, and a lot of "lessons learned". Now as I have time to look back, like anyone who loves their work and wants to constantly improve, I can see many things I could have done better, or shots I missed, or didn't get as good as I should have, but those are lessons I learned, and my Brother, Sister-in-Law and Niece are all extremely happy with the results, so all-in-all it was a great success!
Shortly after the Wedding shoot, I traveled to London, England to spend 4 days shooting with my favorite Instructor, Bryan Peterson! What a great time it was, and of course I came back with some very memorable shots of Tower Bridge, Big Ben and other shots that one can only get in Jolly Old London!
I'll be starting out 2012 once again with a Workshop with Bryan in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Next weekend, we'll be spending 2 days with a Stock Photography and Model Workshop. But this time, I'll get to be an Assistant! Bryan is a Nikon shooter, while I prefer Canon, so I'll be his "Canon Expert", which really means I'll get to help out those with Canon cameras who can't figure out how to adjust setting, etc. on their camera or speedlight. But, no worries. I'll get to spend another weekend shooting with Bryan Peterson, so it's sure to be a blast! Well, here's hoping I can keep this Blog up to date better in 2012! I'll report the results of the Weekend Workshop in Fort Lauderdale! Until then, "Make You Memories Last Forever!" ChasVS